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What an exciting time. My first post for the launch of our webpage CUAdvance. Yes! that is exactly what I wish to do. See you advance in your finances; in your wealth creation. Wouldn’t it be nice to have that peace of mind knowing at least when it comes to finances, you are prepared. This is where my expertise come in – Tax and Financial planning!

Most of us complain about taxes; the essential devil we all need for a safer society. However, the tax system itself allows you to create more wealth tax effectively. The more money they help you make, the more money they will receive as tax income for those essential vital services. This doesn’t allways mean you have to work harder; but probably more smarter. Sometimes, you end up earning more money, but paying less taxes than other counterparts who have failed to plan. When should we start? As soon as possible. The younger you are when you start, you have much more time to plan and enjoy the fruits of that planning.

Where do we start? very simple – with your basic household budget. The moment we start living within our means, the power it gives us is enormous; specially when you do the budget to spend only 90% of what you earn saving that 10% as a start. Why 10%? it is not a magic number, but the start; so you can make that money work for you to make more money. The possibilities are limitless – but keep in mind! our jouney has to be a planned one. Fear and greed are our biggest enemies when investing; so take one step at a time. Trying to get rich fast (due to greed) most of the time take us backwards much faster than fear holds us up going forward.

If you wish some help through your journey, I will be more than happy to hold your hand to guide you there; using my own experiences along the way. No investment go one way, it is a roller coaster and there will be times the best of investments too go backwards. So be aware of that too.